Saturday, June 21, 2008

Hanging with the Mckenzies

This past week we got to spend some time with our good friends Billy and Brenda Mckenzie and their two kids, Jacob and Jayda. Jayda was born just over a month after Macy so we think that's pretty cool. We definitely don't get to see them nearly enough since they moved down to Bakersfield. It was only a short visit but we enjoyed every minute of it. It was great to see Macy and Jayda playing together (if you could call it that!) and hopefully it will be the start of a lifelong friendship. It was kinda crazy to have all of these people (especially babies) in our small town home but it seemed to work out OK. I think Macy likes it when there are a lot of people around. That's a good thing considering I work at a church and am around lots of people all the time! Of course, all good things have to come to an end and we parted ways so that they could visit other people. We don't know when we'll get to see them again but I'm sure both girls will have changed a lot the next time we do. I personally think they should move back up to the NW but I understand that we've all got jobs to do. It's funny how life changes and we all grow up, get married, have children. Sometimes I feel exactly like I did 10 years ago but I know in reality that I've changed a lot as we all do. Well, I didn't mean to get all philosophical but it is interesting to sit back and reflect.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

Well, if anyone has ever earned a great Father's Day, it's Tim. As you may have noticed, Tim has been through a lot of change since our little Macy was born and he's been so involved at home. It's not always easy, but he's always here for us and that is so awesome. It's such a blessing as a new mommy to be able to rely on your husband for help. More than that, I think every mom wants their daughter to have a doting father, but as we ladies know, we can't control that. I know I am truly blessed to not only call Tim my husband, but also the father of our dear little Mace. Happy first Father's Day babe. WE LOVE DADDY!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Roll Over...

Fun stuff, this was a couple of weeks ago when we first started to give Macy some "tummy time". She surprised us with how strong her neck was and was able to look up almost 90 degrees. Of course now it's pretty easy for her but back then it was pretty cool. Now I don't think she is intentionally rolling over but it's still really fun for us to watch! I think because her head is so heavy if she leans too much one way, then she'll fall over. Enjoy!

Friday, June 6, 2008

The wait is over!

Well, this past Monday, June 2, 2008 my sister Sugin and her boyfriend of 9 years Sol Calderon were married at the courthouse in downtown Seattle. It was a great day for the whole family to get together and share in this event. Originally, they were planning on getting married in Hawaii but because of time and cost restrictions, this worked out best. It was a good thing too because there are a lot of stresses that come with planning a big wedding. Although this was a small and relatively informal service it was quick, fun and memorable. It was funny though because right in the middle of the judge's wedding "talk" my grandma (who doesn't speak a lick of english) starts talking out loud. We later find out that she was complaining the the judge was talking too much and this was taking longer than the planned 15 minutes she was told. You gotta love her spunk though. I'm really happy that my sister has found such a wonderful and caring partner. I've gotten to know Sol for the past 9 years and I'm proud to have him as my brother-in-law. I look forward to spending more time with the both of them for many years. Of course in the midst of all the wedding stuff everyone was sooo excited to get to see Macy. Because of work and time committments, Mom and Sugin only get to see Macy about once a month. When they do get to see her, they definitely make the most of their time.

On a different note, both Kristy and I have gotten sick in the past two weeks :( Kristy got sick right after her friend Tanya from San Diego left to go back home. I was fearful that both Macy and myself would catch whatever Kristy had. As Kristy was feeling better and recovering I still hadn't felt sick at all so I thought I was in the clear. Well, wouldn't you know on Monday as we're driving up to Seattle for my sister's wedding I start to get those wonderful aches and pains that preclude a cold/flu. Now I'm the one that's sick and Kristy is mostly better. Macy still hasn't shown that she has gotten what we have and we're hoping that's because she's got a strong little immune system. We've never had to deal with a sick baby yet and I'm sure it's not fun at all. Last Friday, Macy received two immunization shots and she ended up with a mild fever. Needless to say, she did not deal with that very well. I can't imagine what she'll be like when she's sick over a period of a couple days to a week. If all that wasn't enough, Kristy's neck ended up bothering her so much on Sunday morning that we had to miss church and take her to an "emergency" neck adjustment at the chiropractor. When her neck or back is out of alignment, that usually means she gets a migrane. Once that happens, she is completely out of commission. Hopefully we'll be able to get her adjust long before that ever happens but it's really hard to tell sometimes.

Well, that's mostly what's been going on with the Sibley's the past few weeks. Take care everyone!! Oh, oh, I forgot to mention that a few weeks ago when we put Macy on her stomach she was able to lift her head a full 90%! Here she is in all her cuteness: