Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Faith Quest!

Macy and I survived her first Faith Quest!!! More importantly, Tim survived his fourth Faith Quest! We're at home recovering...we all slept quite a bit last night:) The theme this year was about the Holy Spirit and talking about Who Wants to be a Superhero? Here's a pic of Macy and her daddy dressed as Discoman:)
It turned out to be a lot colder than I was expecting! And, on the coldest night, somehow our window was left open, so I swear Mace and I are a little sick now since we almost all died of exposure:) It was a grand adventure keeping her all bundled up. It was a blessing to be able to pass her around a lot so that I could still participate in some of the events with the kids. I'm grateful for Macy's church mommies who've blessed me so much. Macy seemed to enjoy the worship a lot, which was awesome, as usual.
Mace and I also went up to Seattle last week to visit her grandma and Aunt Sugin as well as to visit with Steve, Janelle, and Ellie Mock! That was really, really cool.
Well, I'm off to try to get some more rest before Mace is up and making noise again...she sure is a loud one, that kid! Where in the world did she get that from?!?!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

It was so great to actually get to know you just a bit this weekend and to finally meet Kristy & Macy - I've heard so much about you through the years from the McKenzies, Martins & others. If you're good enough for them, your good enough for us! :-)

You did a fabulous job at FQ this weekend. Working with those Woods boys will get you extra jewels in your crown, for sure!